Chased by swans!!

This morning's walk was a bit traumatic for Ann. Shall I tell you why?.............

We went to the Hermitage. Normally when we go to the Hermitage, Ann plans our route so that we end up at the entrance nearest the burn. I know that just before I go back on my lead I have to go into the burn to get clean. Ann doesn't even need to tell me to 'get clean' any more. I just do it. How clever am I?

Anyway, today we did the walk 'back to front' which was a bit silly because it was incredibly muddy in the Hermitage due to all the rain we've had recently. We ended up at the duck pond just before I went back on my lead.

All the ducks were at the other end of the pond so do you know what Ann did?................... She threw a stick into the pond and told me that I had to swim to retrieve it. I had the muddiest tummy and legs ever so she was really pleased with herself when she saw me swimming in a nice clean pond. I'd just retrieved the stick and was swimming back to land, when guess what Ann spotted?................ She spotted two angry swans swimming after me. Fortunately I didn't see them, but Ann was really worried that they would catch up with me because they were swimming faster than me. And apparently swans can be quite vicious. Obviously, Ann didn't want me to be attacked by two angry swans so do you know what she did?.....................

No, she didn't take a photo of two angry swans chasing me because obviously my welfare is more important than a really good BLIP!!!

….............She shouted, 'Trixie come', then she turned around and ran away from the pond. That made me swim faster. As soon as I reached land, I had a big shake and then I zoomed after Ann. When I caught up with her she told me I was the most obedient little collie pup in the world. She gave me lots of cuddles even though I was very wet and then we walked home. And because I was so clean, after a good towel dry, I was looking like my gorgeous self again.

…..............And I still don't know that two angry swans tried to attack me!!!  Phew!!!

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