
By dreaming

A surprise Twinsday

The twins' nanny didn't come in to work today, so Manda and Andrew decided to come up north for a family gathering with the twins.  I hadn't expected to see them until Sunday, so this was really a treat.  Sarah and Nick rounded out the group.

The boys' vocabularies have grown so much, and each now speaks in two-word phrases.  They follow directions easily - in Extra is Max having been asked to give the truck to Grandma.  Sam sat at the dining table between Lex and Doug for a while, and Max and Andrew spent some time just chilling.  Doug brought in a plastic tub of snow from the yard, which Sam proceeded to carry around without opening.  They were both upset when introduced to snow earlier in the week, so this was Doug attempt to get them acclimated to it in warm surroundings.  There's also a photo of Sam just hanging out with the guys.

We'll be getting together again on Sunday, something else to look forward to.

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