A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Bedale Station and Mischief...

We popped into Bedale and the Wensleydale Train Station and whilst I looked around the platform and shop the final train of the season arrived. This was the 'Diesel Mince Pie Special' running from Leyburn to Leeming Bar. My first extra shows something of the station.

My second extra shows some typical road signs around my area. I have wanted to Blip the Catterick/Borobridge(sic) one for a while. It was only today I realised it is totally wrong! It is found in Londonderry, just south of Leeming Bar. As you look at it Catterick would be to the left, Boroughbridge to the right. I'm guessing at some point someone moved it across the road. I believe the road is the original Great North Road. I have placed the location of this sign on Blip Maps. 

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