
By Grammy

Bicycle Built for…

…an old decrepit woman. Cloudy, high of 60 deg F. Slept in (again) until 8:30 to make up for a restless night and intermittent reading. Decided to get my chores out of the way so I could read. Oh well. Did the last load of laundry. I always set my Christmas cards aside till I can quietly read every one. Today was that opportunity. We send/receive over 100 cards so it took awhile to read them, tear off the address labels, recycle the envelopes and update the sent/received records. Hubby decided to put together my new electric bike. He was disappointed when I was unable to ride a regular bike due to bad knees/asthma when we went camping so he bought me this one. At our age, we didn’t need one that will last forever. He tested it so he can give me any needed instructions. We are excited with this mild weather; maybe we can ride the local bike trail this week. Feeling industrious, I made a big pot of soup. Hubby took a care package to the COVID family. I think they are getting better because they were fussing at each other; a good sign. There was something special for each family member so hopefully it will cheer them up. My daughter says she’s lost her sense of taste. Drat! Some of our schools are either lengthening the winter break or going back to virtual learning. My grands’ schools haven’t made a decision yet. I think it’s reading time - finally. Stay safe out there folks. Omicron is really becoming a nuisance. Thanks for dropping by. Thought I’d use this quote to honor the recently deceased Archbishop. “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realise fishing is stupid and boring.” - Desmond Tutu

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