Living my dream

By Mima


I needed the full 2 hour double circuit of Bortons Pond today, to lift a gloom that had settled over me like the clouds smothering North Otago for the second day running.

The skies cleared slightly as we walked and the views opened up all around. The pond is full of various kinds of weed at the moment, wafting in the currents; some with flowers breaking the water's surface.

The stomp did the trick, aided by bumping into nice people, dogs and horses along the way. And I spotted a good-sized trout in the shallows too…and cursed that I didn’t have a rod in the car.

If you look at the first extra carefully, the fish is centre picture just below a circle of weed.

Two cauliflower were harvested today.

I can’t give them away, because I stupidly gave excess seedlings to friends and neighbours and we’re all swamped at the same time. There’s a lesson there…

I’m going to experiment with fermentation with one of them. The other will make cauli curry soup for the freezer.

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