Poorly pup

Yesterday evening I wasn't very well. Ann left me home alone for about an hour and a half in the afternoon and when she came home I hadn't eaten my biscuits out of my pink snake. I have never, ever, not eaten my treats that I always get left when I'm 'home alone.'

I trekked around the block, but as soon as I got home I went into my little bed for a snooze. Ann put my dinner out for me at about 6pm and she'd poured a load of turkey gravy over it....................... But do you know what?.................. I didn't want my dinner. All I wanted to do was snooze in my bed....................

…................And then, a couple of hours later, I got out of my bed, went into the corner of the living room and promptly threw up?!!! Ann felt like the worst collie puppy mummy in the world. Even though I loved my Christmas dinner; it probably wasn't the bestest idea in the world to feed me human food.

Anyway I'm feeling OK today so everything is back to normal. Phew!!

Here I am having a good run about in the grounds of the 'Royal Edinburgh Hospital'. I'd just chased two squirrels, but those pesky little creatures had run up a tree so I couldn't catch them. Boooooohoooo.................

Nothing else to say.  Toodles. xx

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