Yet another manky old ball

Look what I found on my walk this morning..................... yet another manky old ball. I've got so many manky old balls now, that my manky old balls box is completely full. I want Ann to find me another box so that I can start a collection of manky old balls in a second box, but I don't think Ann's very keen on that idea. She says that I don't need more than 40 manky old balls. She says that when she can be bothered she's going to wash them and then take them to the 'Edinburgh Dog & Cat Home' to give to little doggies who don't have as many nice things as I do.

In my heart I know that, that is the right thing to do. I've got so many other toys and I'm so good at finding manky old balls that I'll soon build up a stash of them again. The thing is............... I really love my manky old balls. I play with them loads more than any of the more expensive toys that Ann has bought me. I LOVE my manky old balls.

Anyway my manky old balls are safe for a month or so. The 'Edinburgh Dog & Cat Home' is at the other side of town from where we live and what with Ann's work and socialising next week, we haven't got time to trek all the way over there. Next Sunday we're heading down to Cornwall for a few weeks so I'm hoping that by the time we come back, Ann will have forgotten all about giving my manky old balls away.

…..............And you'll never guess what else happened on my walk .............. I found this manky old ball in Colinton Mains Park and then we walked through these woods. OMG, you wouldn't believe the number of squirrels that needed chasing today. Sometimes I had to chase four at once. And the trouble with chasing squirrels is..................... I need to have an empty mouth because obviously I cannot catch a squirrel if my mouth has a ball in it. I kept having to put my ball down while I went zooming after the squirrels. When I was younger, I often forgot where I left my ball, but now that I'm a big grown up collie pup, my nose is super sensitive for sniffing out where I drop my manky old balls while I'm squirrel chasing so I always know where to go back and retrieve it once those pesky little creatures run up a tree.

Soooooo................. I might not have caught a squirrel today, but at least I came home with a manky old ball. Yay!!!

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