Boxing Day Walk
A quiet day – as it should be. My first job was to tidy the kitchen. TT went off to church again, and I baked – wheaten bread and a cranberry and orange loaf. I thought about a run – but not for very long! Tidying up seemed more appealing than going out in the cold.
Later TT and I went out for a Boxing Day walk. BB was still in his pjs, having not long emerged so there was no chance of him joining us. We walked up Barney Hill and made a circuit out of it. There is a covering of snow on the Lammermuirs, but the clouds were low, so could barely see it. It was a grey day, but we could see to Edinburgh and beyond. We were out of the wind on our return journey, which was a relief.
We snacked/late lunched when we got back and then TT and I co-produced tea! There was prawn cocktail, followed by tandoori chicken, jewelled rice and cranberry and tomato relish. Later there were mince pies and cake while BB was gaming, I was jigsaw-ing and TT was back watching his Icelandic programme. He also tried out his new port sippers!!
TT on the downward track.
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