"Please feed me"

Sunday 26th December 2021

It was an effort getting up and going to the service this morning! But it was a really enjoyable one. We opened it up to the congregation to choose which carols we would sing. I was also pleased that a young boy and his father returned to the service, having arrived at the end of yesterday's service because they got the time wrong. What a great commitment from them. 

Mum and I had a light lunch so that we still had time to go our for a walk around the lake in Taylor Park. I had taken some seeds and nuts just in case but hadn't even got them out of my bag when this chap ran right up to me, stood on his back legs and pawed my leg. He couldn't have been clearer in his communication if he had spoken. He got his reward, took two nuts and ran back to the tree to eat them. As soon as he had he was back asking for more and was quite happy eating them out of my hand. His mate then came but wasn't quite as brave, tempted but always chickening out at the last moment. We stayed with them for quite a while. 

Continuing our walk around the lake we stopped to feed the ducks ... and loads of seagulls and pigeons! I even had the birds eating out of my hand. I had taken sanitiser as well thankfully! 

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