Christmas entertainment

It was almost 2am by the time we got home from the Cathedral  this morning and into bed. At 3am B was rummaging around in the dark looking for socks and cosy pj’s as he was freezing cold. 

B was on the move before 8am to sort out the girls and put the slow cooker on with the gammon. I was up at 9 to deal with the turkey. R & S appeared at 10am and organised breakfast. It was teamwork for the rest of the day. 

We were a bit behind schedule so didn’t see the Queen’s speech, but will catch up tomorrow. We did see the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope on YouTube on the tv whilst we were opening presents. That’s something else we need catch up on later as the mission develops over the next 6 months.

By 4pm I was about on my knees, so whilst R & S headed out with the girls for a walk I went to bed for an hour or so to recharge the batteries. 

We have have a super day and are now playing table tennis with a virtual reality headset (one of S’s presents) R has been using this type of system at work as an interactive programme for developing leadership skills. It’s all new to me so had a rollercoaster ride with Santa in Jurassic Park, lazy activity for me just sitting on the settee. 

The blip shows S’s phone as he watches the game R is playing. They are trying to work out what is happening and how to do things. It is certainly very energetic!!!

All this activity is very different to our normal Christmas Day activity, but fun. 

Hope that everyone has enjoyed their day.


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