Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Nearly there…

Another dreich day, though it dried up in the afternoon, and indeed, it wasn’t cold.

JR is still snuffling, but got out of bed mid morning, though she did not venture outside. Archie and I went round to the shops to get essentials - custard, but of course, still NO chocolate Santas. The other shop we happened to pass was Pomelo Cafe, where I got two lots of bao buns to bring home for lunch. YUM YUM.

The afternoon was spent watching TV again. We’ve found a very good series on Netflix ‘The Girl from Oslo’, and it’s quite gripping. However, we did get in the mood a bit more by watching some of the Carols from Westminster, though JR was disappointed that we missed Kate playing on the piano. (Kate got to Grade 3 piano lessons, apparently - the same as JR…)

The Big Day tomorrow! Wishing everyone who pops in here a very happy Christmas. 

Archie knows the best place to stand. But not for too long, Arch…

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