
By Marionb

The Gang's All Here...

I wish to take this opportunity to announce the new arrival of little Dash, the daschund, to the Family of Christmas Pets on my neighbour's front lawn...I do believe they have all arrived now, so let the festivities begin...

I would also like to announce the rebirth of Mighty Micky Mouse next door to the ever inflating Family of Christmas Pets... We thought he was a goner but that darned mouse came a phoenix rising from the ashes..he stands tall once again. His presence is still a puzzle; theories abound, but they all have that "prank" component to them...

But today's piece de resistance was a Christmas present - not for me - but for my friends Diane and Dale who live across the street -  something cute and RED - and thankfully, not inflatable.... and almost small enough to fit under the tree... Elvy SARIT! (see extra).  

The Envy SARIT (Safe Affordable Reliable Innovative Transport) is the prototype for a three-wheel, single seat electric vehicle, slightly wider than a standard doorway. It has a little trunk and removable doors for summer driving - sort of a cross between an e-bike and a golf cart....and it is ever so cute.  It is the brainchild of Frank Stronach the founder of Magna International, who made his name and fortune in the manufacturing of auto parts...and he is hoping it will be a game changer in urban transportation.....The connection with my neighbour and the fact that they knew enough about them to want one? Their son is involved  in the project and helped build it! Should cause quite a stir in the neighbourhood... 

What a day - Oh the excitement...never a dull moment...

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