Ready for .....

....... Christmas cancelled!!
Without Dorris's Wishy Washy instructions , well done Covid , you've done it all by your self ( cheese , wine and Covid sir?)
You've got to laugh haven't you? Better than crying. Also maybe it's a jolt to remind everyone that Christmas isn't all about party's and gift, cos the best & biggest gift was in that stable in Bethlehem.
Whatever your view faith or no faith , there is a certainty we're here for a reason.
So do hope this festive season will be good for you all and hope Thursday has been good for you.
Julie came and did my pedicure this morning , must say my feet feel better now. Looking really festive for our Covid party!!

Thoughtful. ...... of all the NHS staff that have to work no matter what ( I've been there got the Tee Shirt!) so wishing them all best wishes and sending many thanks.

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