One Sky, Two Ways

The variety and movement of the clouds has always fascinated me  but I watched with interest as this interesting sky turned dark as the Pineapple Express made its way ashore. Weather casters are fond of using the term 'Atmospheric River' but that hardly describes the heavy mist and drizzle that eventually descended. I like the old term myself, denoting a tropical current and heavy rain from the Hawiian Islands aimed at the California coast, but even that doesn't describe what is happening outside the window now. ' Cold Atmospheric Trickle' might be closer to the mark.

Whatever one calls it, the sky that preceded the the rain was interesting and, based on the variety of clouds looked almost like two systems were vying for supremacy....

John braved the grocery store this morning in search of ingredients for our traditional Christmas Eve dinner. It is not only three days before Christmas, but is also senior citizens' Wednesday...a deadly combination despite his early start, but he came back with everything on the list feeling deserving of a medal. I gave him lots of 'attaboys' lest he decide he doesn't want to do grocery store anymore....

I did the retail version a couple of hours later. My back isn't yet 100% but searching for a parking space and trawling the crowded shops for a couple of last minute gifts seemed preferable to sitting around fretting about it. I managed to buy one before I decided to give up lest, I didn't make it back to the car parked many blocks to go. Plus all the ones I have just put on hold indefinitely.

I must admit that lunch was Christmas cookies....

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