Who does the hoovering

A hectic day starting with a delivery by the fish man, no shortage of fish over the holiday period in this house. A delivery by yesterday’s post man, of cards, a magazine and a reply from the cardiologist. My scan had been see and reported on by the radiologist, but the results had not been seen by him!!! Just as well I made enquiries!! Don’t assume that no news means that no further action is required.!!

We collected our Christmas food from M&S food store (a non high st store with a big car park). B did the queue whilst I ran round the rest of the store buying far more than I intended. The traffic was busier than anticipated and there a panic to get home to feed Amber a half portion of her tea, as it was early, before R & S arrived to whisk us off for a surprise.

This outing was part of our Christmas present. Buying us something different gets more difficult as we get older. This event was an indoor bowls lesson for the four of us. B’s dad was a keen bowler well into his 80’s and we still have his bowls. 

This is an amazing place with well over a thousand members, two greens (which are blue), a  restaurant & cafe. Very well organised for booking etc.

We had great fun. I expected to be rubbish, as I’ve no experience of any other type of bowls, but my lack of strength paid off and I didn’t end up wellying to the back of the green. It would be a good way of exercising and socialising safely. 

Amber was delighted to see us arriving home so that she could have the rest of her tea and have another cuddle from R. 

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