A day in the life

By Shelling

At rest

This is one of my dearest heritages, a table cloth, or a bed spread, as my fathers mother, or grandmother, used it for. My grandmother died in 1978 and my parents got to keep this woven cloth. As far as I remember my parents never used it, it was so precious it stayed in the cupboard. I had in in 1990 and have used it ever since, but only on Christmas, mostly because of the colors.
The cloth is probably from the end of the 18-hundreds, no one knows anything about the origin of it but it has been in the family since then and has always been precious. The weaving technique in Swedish is called "Krabbasnår". I know nothing about these things but people with knowledge has told me that the pattern is a very old traditional pattern from the region of Skåne in the south of Sweden, where I'm born. Skåne was a part of Denmark between 900 - 1658 and you can find this pattern there too. I found an article by Gisela von Weisz, giving a glossary on nordic weaving terms in English. On 'Krabbasnår', she writes: "brocaded tabby, type 'krabbasnår', "diagonal pattern inlay on weft-faced plain weave". My extra gives you who are interested a little more detail

After my dinner for my friends last night I was pretty tired and I woke up in a renewed cold, that I thought was gone by now. I sure hope I wasn't contagious yesterday without knowing. So, today has been an indoor resting day, curing myself with nice things.

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