Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

A constant cycle

The work on the land never stops. This was the only photo I took today - rather uninspiring. I continued sorting and packing and making phone calls. The guy who was supposed to be coming to see me from the estate agent regarding letting phoned to make an initial contact.  He said he knew nothing of the appointment and had not been told at the office.  I was not well pleased as it has set things back a week now with the Christmas break and time is of the essence. I went out for a walk just for the exercise and mowed the lawn, not an easy task when the grass is wet. I met Tony on his smallholding and he explained more about the weather and his crops. The pressure has been at near record high levels and he was afraid of a severe 4 am frost but there has been some cloud cover. Last night it was only -2 degrees just above the temperature that would damage the sprouts. Apparently, it is a bit of an old wives' tail that sprouts are best after a hard frost. That used to be the case as the frosts would reduce some of the bitterness but new sweeter varieties have been developed.  The downside is that these will be damaged four leaves in if they freeze solid and then thaw. With Tony, every day is a learning day.

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