
Hooray! Our lovely guests arrived last night and today the fun can really begin! Learning day by day and her lovely family have come to enjoy Easter with us.
We visited the Tram museum today and then enjoyed a ride on an historic tram to Tervuren Park, before enjoying waffles and other refreshments at the Park cafe. We were hoping to go to Parc du Cinquantenaire but that tram wasn't running there today for some reason.
It was lovely watching the children playing together, particularly Olivia and Carys who don't see each other often but get on remarkably well. I loved watching them making each other laugh on the historic tram today and I'm sure that when the boys get older they will get on just as well.

In fact today had it all - tears of pain (Dex took a particularly nasty tumble from his bike resulting in cuts and scratches on his face, but mainly his hands) and tears of laughter - Emma told us a particularly funny story this evening which had us in tears. Don't worry my dear - I won't repeat the story on blip!

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