I saw three ships ...

A couple of mates are due in my place tomorrow evening for a bit of a musical soirée. I'll be giving them supper, so shopping had to be done today. From Good Friday I remember with fondness Caviston's gorgeous butter lemon sauce which went so wonderfully well with asparagus, so that's to be the starter. Since I was going to be over in Carl-land anyway, we met for lunch (pub grub in The Eagles in Glasthule, quite nice). I got the sauce, dropped Carl back to work, and returned to Glasthule to get a nice bunch of asparagus in a little vegetable shop which stocks really high-quality produce. Starter sorted, so.

I was running early, so had time for a blip stop on the way over. Having just gone through the East Link toll (tried out my new tag -- worked a treat: this one bleeps when the sensor registers it,m which is good feedback to have), it seemed like a good idea to cut off through the extraordinary ugliness of piled-high roll-on/roll-off containers towards the Pigeon House and the South Wall. It never ceases to come as a huge surprise when I reach the stretch of flat sandiness which seems so out of place in the middle of all this industrial wasteland. The tide was well out, but I got some reasonably good shots all the same. Actually, it was hard to decide which would be today's blip, but after quite a bit of soul-searching this one won out.

Back home it was time for a short nap to recharge the batteries in readiness for a serious bout of tidying and cleaning so the place is presentable for tomorrow's visitors.

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