Shawcross sparrow hawks

An early morning  gently challenging yoga session followed by coffee with H. After lunch I did some more research for my Pollokshaws heritage trail walk and braved the weather to check out the information plaque on the Methodist church relating the toll house. I failed to find it. However, I did have an interesting chat with an elderly chap who was in the yard of one tenements in Afton Terrace. He had lived there since 1959 and told me all about the Steamie and the greengrocer’s (Galbraiths) where he worked.
The blip is one of murals in the grossly dilapidated Shawbridge arcade, into which I would never would have entered if it hadn’t been for another chap who pointed them out. He also showed me a circular road marking on Greenview Street (it would have been front of the original Town Hall/Court) which is apparently where witches were burned. I’m trying to find out more and I’m wondering if it relates to the Pollok Witches trial around 1667, the first Laird of Nether Pollok, Sir John Maxwell, was an avid witch hunter. I know the trial took place in Paisley but perhaps the execution was in Pollokshaws. I’m hoping someone on the walk will know more than I.

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