Horrible day

Today when we woke up it was so foggy we could hardly see out of the window. And it was dark and rainy. We've had to have the lights on all day.

After a short walk and breakfast, the plan was to 'trial' our Christmas Day walk. I always go for a big long walk on Christmas morning so that Ann knows she can eat and drink loads later without having to worry about whether I've had enough exercise. She needs to do a practise run of it so that she knows how long it will take us and and then can work out her timings as to when to put the turkey in the oven etc.

This year our very lovely friend, Iain, is coming to spend Christmas with us. He's not coming till the afternoon so I should have loads of time for a big, long, walk before then. Having said that; he's coming from Fife and our weather app is telling us it's going to snow on Christmas Day our weather app often lies so he might not make it. Though it wouldn't surprise Ann if we're not back in lock down by then??!!

Anyway long story short......................... we didn't trial our Christmas Day walk because Ann thought it would be too wet and muddy and we could hardly see 2ft in front of us.

Instead I trekked around town for almost 2 hours on my lead. Ann said, 'Trixie lets see if we can actually find a chemist that has some LFTs in stock.' It  seems like every time we switch on the TV, 'Jason Leitch' (National Clinical Director of the Scottish Gov) is there telling the humans to do a LFT every time they go out.   After passing 15 chemists we gave up and came home, (7 were closed and had shutters down and the other 8 had signs in the windows saying they had none.) Seems like this year's 'most wanted gift' is a lateral flow test. Lol!!! She's going to have another try later tonight to order some online, but there wasn't even any available online a few days ago.

My human doesn't care. She's been triple jabbed and doesn't personally feel at risk. …..........Oh and can anyone explain why 'Nicola' (our First Minister) is advising that only 3 households should meet indoors (that means we can only have 2 other 'single' humans in our house), when it was perfectly OK for 50,000 people to go to a football match yesterday???

Oh dear this BLIP is turning a bit 'ranty' isn't it? My human says she'll stop wittering on.

…...............And as you can all see.................. On a foggy, dark, rainy day............ my 'little bed' is the bestest place to be. I LOVE my little bed.

Happy Sunday Evening Blippers. xx

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