Big Dog Tiny Baby

Or just Perspective!

Mr W left early for Kendal with Lady Linda. 

I then rushed about getting everything I needed to do to get to Daughter Number 1 to spend the day with them.

I 1st collected a cake from a lady a few door up from me.Shes a Greek lady who does cooking. She was advertising Christmas Cakes so thought Id buy one off her instead of a Large chain supermarket. It was quite expensive at £22.50 for a 6" cake but it was beautifully decorated and wrapped and was made in September so should be well matured.She then told me she was booked in to view our house for her daughter the day after we received an offer. She was gutted and said she would definitely have bought it!!!! At least she will be a good fall back if the sale falls through for what ever reason!!!

I then headed up to Wokingham.  We met DN1, her fiance and Baby M at Dinton Pastures for a walk which ended up being quite stressful due to all the unruly dogs that kept rushing at Bella despite her being on a lead each time one passed. This resulted at her keep barking while we sat in the cafe. She's generally worse anyway when I'm with one of my girls as she tries to protect them. Whilst we were trying to enjoy our coffee and cake DN1 asked me if I had remembered to pay for a car park ticket which of course I hadn't so quickly paid for 2 hours on Ringo but it was too late. When I got back to the car there was that horribly embarrassing yellow sticker on my windscreen. Damn. So all the Bunnies I sold off cheap today will be paying for my ticket unless I can challenge it but I don;t think being ditsy counts. But I'll try.

Back at DN1's, I played with Baby M, helped feed him, changed a pooey nappy and we had dinner together. I took up the baby walker I had bought to keep at mine. Their floors are super smooth being laminate so he was whizzing all over the place. I told DN1 it was time to start gently introducing the word "no" when he goes to touch things he shouldn't. She said she would try!!

I had to leave before the end of the Strictly final as Bella could hear footsteps from the flat below and I didn't want her barking to wake a Sleeping baby but caught up once I was home. I'm so glad both John and Rose were in the final and they were a very deserving winner. I couldn't choose between them but I think the extra challenges they faced just pipped them to the post. Perfect. In fact, when watching it with DN1's fiance, he asked which ones were the professionals!!!!

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