Shes gone.

I asked Mr W to head to Lady Lindas early this morning so I had the morning free from stress and atmosphere and I could then help DN2 pack and get ready to move out. He agreed and left the house at 9am. Neither of them said goodbye to each other.

DN2 was very quiet. She got on with what she needed to do. She didn't really need my help. Then at 12.30 she got the call to say they had completed on their new home and off she went with a big smile on her face.

No mention of the bust up, no big goodbyes, no "thanks for having me for 4 months "....

I felt a bit empty for a while but busied myself with cleaning her room and getting on with my latest commission. The house felt immediately much calmer. And quite empty.

I shall pop to see her tomorrow with the remainder of her bits she couldn't get in the car and I'll go and see her house. I know we are not supposed to, but she's been living with me for 4 months.... I think I'll be quite safe to enter her house where an old man lived.

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