Tracy's Take on Life.

By tracymcque

HK taxis in Kowloon.

A day of a spot of sightseeing. Went to see the excellent Andy Warhol '15 Minutes Eternal' exhibition at the Art Museum.

It was my last evening in HK unfortunately, so I took another chance of wandering the streets in Kowloon which are so full of life after the sun goes down. The shops stay open until 10-ish and there are lots of places to eat & hang out. Every sign is lit up, and there are loads of people on the streets.

The weather's been really warm since I've been here but we've had thunder storms most evenings, so the taxis are busy shuttling people back & forth. I love the way that most major cities in the world have their own unique style and colour of taxis and HK is no different, these red Toyota Comforts are the urban taxis used on HK Island and Kowloon. So couldn't resist using them for today's blip.

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