A Travelling Life

Our house move to this area has increased my awareness of the way of life of travellers.  They move around the area through the year and many of them seem to come back to regular spots at Christmas.  I wonder if this is so that they ca be closer to communities to sell some of their work?  Their work and their caravans are beautifully decorated and their sites are fascinating.  A small community is positioned next to an old sacred meadow at the moment and I was in that area this morning so was able to take some shots across the meadow of animals, homes and a person moving some of the animals around to new pasture.  Makes you think.  Have a look at the extras too if  you have time.

Other parts of today have make me think too.  I visited Redilady this morning and we talked about her experiences of hospital with Tedwin at the moment and how our Health Service is struggling to support sick people.  Later on I went to be a steward at a vaccination centre - so many lovely people coming along, trying to do the right thing - many of them straight from work. hard graft with work hardened hands, tiredness, standing in a queue because they believe it is the right thing to do .  And then a conversation about Christmas, Covid and Poverty with my youngest nephew, the TYM.  A very new sort of conversation for me to have with him.  A very different young man is emerging.

And listening to some carols, watching photos of family:  my Mom, My sister, all of us, flickering past on Alexa Show.  Remembering.  Finding grief closer now that the pressure of immediacy  has receded.  Finding that new memories do not replace the old ones.  They serve to increase the weave, the rich pattern, the intensity.

All part of Life's Rich Pattern.  Rich, poor, good, bad.  It is all we have.  Treasure it all.  Learn from it all.  Live it all...

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