Groundhog Day

This morning when Ann woke up she had a quick browse on her 'FB memories' and there was a post saying, 'It will be really interesting to see what I'm posting in a year's time'???.....................

…................A year ago we were only allowed to have our 'support bubble' in our house, so Ann was sitting 'home alone' doing a jigsaw. She's since given the jigsaw away. Lol.

I think we all honestly thought (one year ago) that if we didn't meet our family & friends over Christmas 2020 and stayed 'home alone', that this year, (Christmas 2021), would be fabulous.

Obviously this Christmas is not going to be fabulous...................

Ann had already decided that she's only going to spend this Christmas with one friend and hopefully that will go ahead.

But seriously?............................. how long can we all go on like this?  My human is a 'social butterfly'. She NEEDS human interaction. 

Today's world is what it is........................ but, how long can 'single' people be isolated for?.............

Lovely blue skies this morning so went for a 2 and a half hour walk and I found a manky old tennis ball. Carried it all the way home and now it's in my 'manky old balls' box. Yay!!!

PS – My human queued for 10 mins outside the local chemists this afternoon because 'Nicola' is now saying that humans should do a LFT very time they go on public transport or to the shops or anywhere else??? Ann thought she'd pick up a couple of boxes to see her over Christmas & NY. ….................They had none?!!!!!!

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