Nicholson Square Park

Today's plan was to walk to 'Newcraighall Park' but that's about 6 miles away and unfortunately Ann wasn't feeling particularly energetic so she said, 'Trixie, I really haven't got the energy to walk all that way. Also we'll have to get two buses home and that will take forever and I'm too tired to be out forever. We'll go to Nicholson Square Park instead.'

I was a little bit disappointed when I heard that because last night Ann had explained the route to me and I was going to get loads of off lead run about time on the way there.

However on our walk to Nicholson Square Park we walked across the Meadows so I had plenty of off lead fun there, which was just as well as Nicholson Square Park is the smallest park ever. You can practically see the whole of the park in this Blip.

Anyway we walked there and back which was 4.34 miles and when we got home we both had a little lie down and caught up with Corrie & Eastenders.

This afternoon I had to wait in the car while Ann went to the supermarket and then I got another walk.

And that's been our day.

…......................Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting?!!

Abercorn Park
Buckstone Park
Campbell Park
Dovecot Park
Easter Drylaw Park
Fairmilehead Park
Gyle Park
Hailes Quarry Park
Inverleith Park
Joppa Quarry Park
King George V Park
Lochend Park
Morningside Park

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