Mist on the Howe.
Woke and went to the loo at dawn so took a photograph out of the window and went back to bed to sleep till after nine. Was late with the bird food and saw my starling flock gathered in the top of the birch in the school playing field. Their mealy worms didn't last long. Had what is becoming my usual brunch then went off to Louvain's in Cupar to buy ice cream and nibbles. No luck with the nibbles as the shop is mainly wine and ice cream and the wine is expanding. A bit of a shame as they always had interesting stuff. However I now have Andy's Christmas bombes and mine too which is the main thing. Treated myself to a creme caramel cone in the hope that I would leave the bombes alone until Christmas. Made my way home on back roads close to Hopetoun Hill. There was mist and bright sunshine so I had a lovely time but couldn't spend too long because of the ice cream. Once home it was ensconced in the freezer. I'm going to be pushed for space when my groceries arrive on Monday so Andy may get his Christmas present earlier than usual. He won't care as Emma had her baby last night and he's now a very happy Grandad. A boy and everyone is well. I'm so pleased for Emma and Mariah.
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