Sparrow wars
I'll have to resign myself to sleeping late. Did OK today regardless. Photographed the sparrow squabbles first while the light was at it's best. I love the expressions on their faces. Wish I knew what they were thinking. Christmas cards arrived which was nice and a book I ordered. I've ordered some more as I've been watching Write around the World with Richard E Grant. Then I went to Lochend farm shop and bought nibbles and cake and Selkirk bannock. It was misty, a bit murky. Took photos but wasn't impressed. Uploaded the bird ones and cleaned the kitchen, then set Roomba going downstairs while I waded through all the sparrow shots deleting as I went. Had a break on the sofa where I ate far too many crisps and began my new book. It's set in Northumbria around the Farne islands an area I love. Goodness knows when I'll be able to go there again. I'll be lucky if I get to the Isle of May in the Forth next year the way things are going. Still, only five days till the return of the light and maybe we'll see some at the end of the present tunnel by the time spring arrives.
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