Su-pa-pa Trou-pa-pa

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

Today Losi and I went back to the New Plymouth office to find that the staff were ALREADY using the new kit! 

Bloody cheek! We hadn't even properly finished handing it over to them!

Actually, they were lovely. They waved us in to the meeting they were holding, which was a first. Then they said lovely things about us and were just adorable. 

Then we dialled up El Jefe - purely to abuse the poor man really. And then it was time to go! The return trip was pretty much a repeat of yesterday's with Losi and I amusing ourselves by singing (badly) to a number of tunes. 

Losi put in a request for ABBA. "Super Trouper! Super Trouper!" he said. 

Which - obviously - reminded me of YOU, Princess. The only other person I know who loves the song as much as Losi. The weather this time was a little better, the traffic a little worse, but we made excellent time. I actually got back home for 3.30 and gave Caro a big hu-

Oh no, wait. I've been wearing the same clothes for two days. And I've been sat in a car for ten hours.

I had a shower first. THEN I gave Caro a big hug. 

Don't get me wrong. THAT was a lot of fun. But I am so happy to be home.


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