By lizzie_birkett

Nice View!

A very foggy morning when I took Bella out. We said good morning to Shaun the sheep. He looks a bit sad as his owner, old Jean has had a bad foot for a couple of months now so hasn’t been able to go up the track to tend her horse, chickens and Shaun. Her granddaughter has been looking after them for her.

I got all the presents wrapped today, the rest of the cards posted and delivered locally by Frank. 

Bella May was naughty today. I gave her a Whimzee chew to take outside, she always takes a while to chew these treats as she savours every bit. I was busy in the kitchen and looked out to see her finishing off the end bits of Stollen I had put out for the birds. I called her in and was telling her what a naughty girl she was when she started retching. I just got her out in time to bring up the stollen and the chewed up treat! (Sorry, hope you are not eating!) Raisins are toxic for dogs so just as well they didn’t get digested.

This afternoon I crocheted a spider in thick black wool  and sewed buttons on for eyes and a pink wool mouth and a pink bow on top. This is to go inside a present I bought for Sabrina - a humane spider trap. (some of you may remember the spider debacle at Hallowe’en!) Luckily she doesn’t look at Blip.
By the way her ‘fracture’ is no longer a fracture but a contusion! The fracture clinic called her today after checking the Xrays. Sabrina is so relieved as she has so much to do, however she still has to rest her leg but is allowed to walk on it.

Now for some knitting. 
Goodnight and stay safe :-) X

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