By lizzie_birkett

An Icy Doggie Walk!

I managed to stay on my feet - I love a frosty walk. 
Bella got halfway along our normal distance then decided she was going home so I followed.
I made 2 Christmas Nut Roasts today and they are now in the freezer.
The nut roast has lemon zest in it and I always buy organic lemons.
However Tesco’s had no organic ones. We had non waxed lemons at home that Tonya had picked up somewhere so I used one of them after washing it in hot water and washing up liquid, I read the label and saw the names of three chemicals they are sprayed with. I looked them up and it is quite scary. They are carcinogenic. Think how often people have a drink with a slice of lemon in. Unless citrus fruits are organic they are sprayed with these horrible chemicals. Then we wonder why there is so much cancer about. Cancer Research must know this bit people are not warned about it.

Anyway the nut roasts are made now, I don’t suppose this once will do me much harm but I will not be buying them again

I added more baubles to the tiny Christmas tree today and some tinsel round the base to hide the lower branches which look a bit brown.
I also went to get some greenery for decorating. I couldn’t find any pine branches so it's just holly and ivy.

I had loads of birds in the garden today. I had moved the feeder so it wasn’t too close to the kitchen window and now they must feel safer.

Goodnight Blippers :-) X

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