Heading for a Glesga kiss.
Off to a late start today. I am becoming a terrible night bird but hopefully will improve once light starts to return. Decided almost immediately to let housework go hang and lay on the sofa having brunch and doing crosswords after going out and photographing a primrose which had appeared regardless of the weather. After a while the phone rang. I'd asked Andy to check my roof for missing slates a while back and he'd rung to tell me he couldn't see any. Good news. We chatted for a while then I asked him for coffee in the afternoon. Offer accepted and before going he mentioned that Jen's rose had one blossom out. I saw it yesterday and then forgot so nipped out to photograph right away. Found myself being photographed by Andy out his kitchen window. Maybe I could start a fashion for photographs among my neighbours.
A while later Carol the Postie appeared. I haven't seen her for ages so we had a long chat. Turns out she'd been in hospital. While delivering letters she'd slipped on wet decking, flown in the air and landed on her head. They thought at first she'd broken her neck but fortunately not. She had however bad concussion so had CT scans. MRI scans everything imaginable. For several days she had large black spots in her eyes which prevented her driving. However they have now cleared and the severe headache is gradually lessening. As if all that wasn't enough she has two cracked ribs but is bearing up very well.
By then it was nearly time for Andy so I had to choose between tidying or photographing the birds. No contest although I gave downstairs floor a quick sweep. Spent the afternoon chatting happily and eating Christmas cake which Andy had brought over. We're still waiting for Emma's baby which was due on the 5th but which we all expected on Andy's birthday on the 10th. I keep checking Facebook for news, something I never usually do.
Amazingly, after Andy left I went upstairs and while the zillion bird photos loaded, I cleaned the bathroom. Couldn't resist posting some extras even if not that sharp. A very feisty blue tit and a starling who looks like the baddie in a horror movie.
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