Thinking twice.
A better day than yesterday weatherwise. Didn't go out till it was dark though and then to the Post Office. All my cards written and posted, It feels good. Saw a garden along the street where someone has gone mad with outdoor Christmas decorations. Lit up Santa and elves and candy canes and goodness knows what else. If everyone did that we could switch off the street lights. My Christmas tree is made from bits of wood and thick twine and hangs above the poinsettias. I seem to have lost some of my decorations. Maybe they're still in the loft or maybe I culled them when I stopped hanging them on the kitchen ficus. There's still plenty though and it looks festive. Now all I have to do is deliver cards to neighbours and I'll leave that for a day or two.
Somehow that took up all my time today apart from some bird photography. I had to give second helpings. The starlings and sparrows were out in force. I like the style of the blue tits who nip in and pinch a few seeds while a squabble is going on. One day I'll maybe catch it on camera.
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