To catch a comet - Part 2

Outside the front of the house.

Had a brief scare when some random bloke wandered half way down the road and stopped to take a leak in one of the bushes. Fortunately I was only outside with the binoculars at that point so I shuffled in as quickly as i could manage.

Anyway, taken with camera and much fiddling about of settings in order to get close but not get trails, apart from the comet trail.

PANSTARRS has now become a binocular object - if you can locate the Andromeda Galaxy, the comet sits below that in the sky - you can see the comet as a fuzzy blob with a slight tail in the picture...Andromeda is the fuzzy blob about an inch and a half above and slightly to the left of it in the picture. Very technical.

however, I am chuffed to bits to have definitely seen it with my own two eyes through the bins, which I couldn't manage last night, even though I managed to image it last night. Although this image is not as good, it is a better result for me. no chance of telescoping it though. I can't use the scope until I am allowed to do proper exercise, so another 11 weeks minimum :-(

Hey ho.

Knackered after walking to the shops again today, but less so than t'other day. Mine and Corin's symptoms of cold/flu are also improving, so at least that's one less thing to worry about.

That's all.

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