To catch a comet

Mum arrived this evening.

We bundled her into the car an hour later and took her to a cemetary.

I wanted a vantage point to see the comet that has eluded me all last month. By my reckoning and positioning on star charts, I think I have caught it, roughly middle of the picture.

Sadly it's no longer a naked eye object and it was too light for the binoculars so I had to rely on the camera.

I lasted 10 minutes. The short walk back to the car almost killed me. Have since collapsed on the sofa with painkillers and a strawberry milkshake.

It's looking like Corin and I might have to go to the doctors...we think this lurgy is what James had...and that required antibiotics. Poor Corin is really feeling it and there's not a damn thing I can do to help him right now.

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