Merry and Bright

We had a lovely day planned but it didn't quite go according to that plan!!!

The plan was meet both Daughters and Babies at our local garden centre to have a mooch around the Christmas displays and  show the Babies all the lights. Have a bit of lunch together then go to the new house together. I'd bought them matching festive baby grows to wear.

The reality  was - I forgot I didnt have the car Fridays so DN2 picked me up. I also forgot the shopping was coming between 12 and 1 so had to wait in for that. It arrived at 1!!! DN1 arrived at the garden centre at 12! We then had 15 minutes together before DN2 had to leave to go and get Baby J registered. (He's now an official person!). DN1 and I had lunch together but Baby M was a bit grumpy and unsettled with bright pink cheeks. The baby changing room was closed so had to use the mens one. Much farting listened to!! We then collected DN2 and made our way over to the house for our appointed time only to be told we couldn't have long as the Show Home Lady wanted to leave early as she had a Do to go to!

Still, they got to see the house, the Babies got to try out the bed, the girls got the feed the Babies in the sitting room and I got to measure the under stairs cupboards and yes, my desk will fit in it so Under stairs Cupboard will be my 'office'!!!!

It was still a nice day - just a bit rushed and not as I was hoping. 

I couldn't choose between Baby M or Baby J so you have both of them together with a few extras!!! You would never guess Baby J was 3 months younger than Baby M!! They are nearly the same size. And Baby J is sporting the greasy haired look as I helped DN2 with his cradle cap yesterday.

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