
Mr Blue Sky ...

First thing this morning.
It just meant that it was flipping freezing outside ... and in the garage.
Things didn't really go that well in the garage and I thing my bandsaw is bu**ered - it doesn't matter what I do, the blade just will not run true (or even close to it).

We are currently over at Bags' house where we are childminding for the next 48 hours or so.
I am pleased to report that Squirrel has been fine (touch wood) and not shown signs of separation anxiety.
Both of them have been very helpful (especially when it came to preparing the evening meal and then tidying up.
Most of the evening Squirrel sat with me and went through a load of my AV shows with me and asking loads of questions about stuff.
Hopefully tomorrow will go as well.

I am now sitting eating chocolate and drinking whisky which was handed to me as a birthday present.

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