Like A Giant Bug

As if there aren't enough bugs hanging about.

We are looking after the monsters for the weekend while Bags and son-in-law go off to a very fancy hotel on Loch Lomond courtesy of his work so we went and got some stuff for making crackers for Christmas day.

That meant going into the Centre.
I hate the place and could really do with a cattle prod when in there.
However, we did meet Chopper Girl, Mrs Mac and her daughter so we had a bit of a chat and it made going into that hell hole worth it.

I thought I would try taking some shots of the Contorted Hazel and its catkins this afternoon. Some are more successful than others (obviously) but I have posted them anyway - along with Japanese Anemone seed heads and rain drops.

I cut my hair this morning so when I went out to do some woodturning it was definitely woolly hat time.
My intention was to make some more key fobs (for that is what yesterday's blip is), but, as usual I got distracted and ended up making a bowl/vase type thing and a box (emergency Blips for other days).

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