Red brick
If the sun was a bit warmer you might even think it was spring! The low sun certainly was bringing out the colours of the brickwork. The public hall looks more like a chapel but was built by public subscription in 1872. The only historical note I can find is the following:
There was a strong Temperance Society in Gosberton. The following notice appeared in the Lincolnshire Free Press in 1877 regarding the Public Hall (later a "Hotel") in Gosberton:
"We understand on good authority that the terms of the deed whereby Earl Brownlow granted a piece of land for the erection of this building having been violated at a recent Volunteer Corps dinner by the sale of intoxicating liquors in it, the good Templars took the matter up and have informed the magistrates of the deed and that for the future the magistrates have informed them that no such licence was granted.
We hope the authorities over the building did not know that application for the licence was made, though it is difficult to understand in so small a place that common gossip did not reach their ears.
We hear that other parties propose to violate another part of the conditions by having a bar there, which is contrary to the deed whereby the Earl made the grant.
We are open to contradiction and hope we are wrong but the thin end of the wedge has been allowed to be put in.
We ask.... Who is to blame?"
Nb I have put a note on the forum re the Paris blipmeet.
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