Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Fairy Cakes, Fairy Lights

A public holiday here again. As a TEFL teacher working in a school, I used to love these holidays in December - the 6th and the 8th are public holidays and so depending on how they fell, the school often closed on the 7th too as they knew few people would turn up for classes. It made the last term of year so much easier!  Today, Bb and I both worked away quietly at home. He worked upstairs most of the time and I downstairs. I was really just tidying things up, but Bb was working on a very detailed preparation stage for an upcoming project. A walk out at night, where I got my blip of this cupcake cafe locally.  We always called them fairy cakes when we were growing up. When did they become cupcakes? Or is this what they're called in other parts of the world? Dinner was coronation chicken with baked potatoes. Easy comfort food. 

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