Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Number 9

Apologies for slacking. 
No photos and no comments and very little enthusiasm for anything except........the grandchildren, so I survive from one football or rugby match to another. 
Almost everything else seems to be a waste of time, except a dozen or so free books that I'm reading with an e-reader during the night when I can't sleep.
The wood fire innards caught fire again this morning. Last year it was the chiìmney stack which has since  been thoughly cleaned. This event was caused by a small amount of yuck that had evidently accumulated fairly locally, just above the fireplace body. Anyway, the wood fire had to been quenched and on goes yet another layer of warm clothing. 
Not long till the winter solstice and then  it will be downhill at top speed towards spring and the light and hope that it always brings with it.

Please stay well everyone.

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