Life after Burradoo, NSW

By MountGrace


A massive clean out of the garage started today. That's because early next week a new car is arriving which is a little longer and a little wider than our existing car. We decided to buy new car because our current car is just at the right age,  with the right mileage, to optimise the trade-in. We also decided that we wanted to defy Covid and say to it that it will not take away everything from us. We want to do more travelling around Australia.

The differences in car dimensions require a massive clean out of the garage to make a bit more room. We have a tandem garage and we use the back half for workshop/storage/improvised gym. There are three four-drawer filing cabinets in the garage which need to be rationalised into two. We have all sorts of treasures in those drawers, like programs of films I was taken to see in the 1950s and 1960s and other memorabilia. Included in the collection are our calendars from many years. We actually find it very useful to keep them because we sometimes want to go back to see when we did such and such. My photo today shows some of them.

Between 1998, when our 12 year old beagles, Kate and Martha, went to Beagle Heaven, and 2013 we always had a Beagle calendar. When we moved to our new home we thought perhaps it was time to break that tradition and we started having calendars that were either sent to us as Christmas gifts or that we had bought. Whatever else gets dispensed with through the garage clean up it won't be these calendars.

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