
By rosesinDecember

Mothering Sunday

My first as a mother of two adorable girls. I feel so utterly blessed. We had an extraordinary breakfast with two bunches of daffodils, newspapers and fresh croissants. I even got time alone in bed. It's hard to express everything I feel but when I read this it resonated:

Like most things, motherhood is everything I thought it would be, and yet, nothing at all. The (my?) ultimate dichotomy between expectation and reality. The days are long but the years are short someone once told me. That about sums up my experience so far...
I didn't expect that my self confidence would wither or that I would battle so much just getting through the day. I didn't realise that such a small creature could expose me the way Pip has (and I don't mean literally, although breastfeeding created a fair few incidences).
I didn't realise I would get so much pleasure from hearing my daughter laugh. I had no idea that I would find building towers strangely therapeutic.
I thought I could just go on being me. Me with a baby. Turned out, I had to be stripped back and rebuilt from the bottom up.

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