
By CreativeCarol

There's a Song in the Air!

I enjoyed a wonderful beautiful morning at the park with Moira. The weather was so beautiful I could not resist loading up the stroller and heading out with my camera. The sounds of the birds were so sweet to hear as we walked for over an hour through the park. I am so blessed that Moira loves being in the stroller for long walks. She is so patient and I truly believe she enjoys God's perfect playground around her. We did stop and check out the slides and swings at the playground before heading home.

I enjoyed taking lots of photos of birds and ended up deciding on this one because I love to sing. I believe this little bird is a common Brown Thrasher. It is a prodigious songster singing in deliberate musical phrases. I found out that the Male Brown Thrasher has the largest documented song repertoire of all North American Birds with over 1,100 song types.

He came running out of the the bushes and I barely had time to click before he was gone again. Sorry that it is out of focus. It is heavily cropped too! If I am wrong in the identity of the bird, please someone point it out!

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