shadows and light...

...within an easter lily

on a rather dull - gray day...

leaving nothing to play with - other than grabbing one, slim opportunity with a borrowed sliver of sunbeam - from the princess diva - who was none too happy with me about it - boo! i did it anyway - in order to try some different shots with the easter lily - making subtle attempts at highlighting shadows - exposing the sunbeam deeper within the lily petal itself...

did it work - was there success? it's anybody's guess - it's all in the perspective of whomever happens to gaze upon the picture - what appears to them - how they view it - what matters most to me - is that i had some fun fiddling with settings -putting on my creative hat - - oh - plus adding a bit of water to the mix - just to shake things up a bit - now that made for...


happy day.....

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