bee fooled... the bee buzzzzzing by

yes people - it is another bee shot... i admit it - i am bee infused... a bee-aholic if there is such a thing... it was not my intent to blip another one today - there were other things calling to me in the nature sphere... yet that constant buzzzzing - how to avoid it when it's in your face - those cute little fuzzy critters are flying all over the place - just daring you - taunting - "can you do better than last time? see if you might get us in flight again... bet you can't... uh-huh... no way"... well, then it becomes the ultimate of challenges, doesn't it? i know - i'm talking about the gauntlet being thrown down by a bee... jeesh... what's it come to?

but take a look... it's not too bad after all - peer closely... you'll see what i did... those gossamer wings - transluscent against the blue sky... do you see? how could i pass that up? an awesome sight to behold this 1st day of april - the 4th month of the year already - i don't claim to understand how time passes quite so quickly these days... but as long as i have eyes to admire the wonders of nature set forth before me - i will relish it... like this little bee - if that means posting them a few times - ahhhh, i guess it's okay - it does make for...


happy day.....

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