Fluff's Holidays

A calm and frosty morning.  Mostly cloudy all day, and a cold breeze.  Much the same tonight.

Up at 5am, and headed down for my early Saturday shift.  Short staffed today, just me, Kathleen and Avril.  I checked in each flight on my own, and then boarded them too, so a lot of rushing around all day.  Cracked my phone screen at some point, darn!  Popped by Laura's on my way home, and my car broke down, darn! What's the third?  Working in the shop tonight, and a busy night.  Can't wait to get my feet up later.  

Laura's house has been turning into a bit of a cat sanctuary lately.  Bandit was here earlier in the week, and now Fluff has come to stay.  Elise's dad is away this weekend, so she took Fluff down the road, where Elise can look after her.  Poor Fluff has been out of sorts, but sleeping on Elise's bed has kept her happy.  Also out of sorts, is poor Harold, he's not amused by all this new cats coming and going, he can just tolerate Sammy and no more.  Fluff lying happy on the bed, she even let me scratch her ears, back and a quick belly rub.  Taken at Laura's, Blett Road, Cunningsburgh.  

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