On The Edge

.I was going to put up a picture of SWMBO's new orchid., but the wrinkly edge of her mother's one won out.

All of her mother's children got together this afternoon - along with some partners, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Her son is over from Mali where he is working for for the American State Department (as is his wife). He will be back there for a couple of months before retiring, but will then be moving to Rabat for a couple of years until his wife retires.

There were 14 of us so things got kind f noisy and entertaining.
I had taken a box of spinning tops for folk to take for themselves or as gifts. One of my nephews is doing a masters degree in engineering and spent half of the afternoon going through all the tops, studying them and trying to work out which ones were the best spinners (after being taught how to spin them!) and why taking into account the gyroscopic effects and the possible differences in weight distribution due to density differences in the grain patterns of the wood.
Man, these engineers take things seriously.

SWMBO had taken her mother's jewellery and it was divided up between all the girls that were there.

The snow that fell during the afternoon had gone by the time we left I am glad to say.

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