The End Of The Light

Not as impressive as the light at the beginning of the day.
I came out of the shop as the light was beginning to show itself. There were obviously some strange winds up there as there were some 'Mackerel' clouds going one way and others being dragged out at right angles.
They were still there (although not as distinct) when I got home (5 minutes). By the time I had put the chilled purchases into the fridge and opened the curtains (5 minutes) This had happened.
I grabbed the camera and run upstairs and managed to get half a dozen shots before all the colour faded - they are with the linked one and were taken in the 2 minutes it took to build and fade.

Some time was spent freezing in the garage - fixing the 'tracking' on the bandsaw which had been driving me nuts and trying to make a box in a winged dish from the one piece of wood. I nearly managed it but managed to break the wall of the box - so it is now just a winged dish. But I really liked the way it was going so I am going to try again (and be more careful).

We got a call this afternoon .... the family gathering to see SWMBO's brother is back on tomorrow. Somehow he has managed to get all the tests etc done after his trip from Mali (I suspect he came over early to make sure that his plans weren't thrown to the wind).

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